
How to farm legendaries in legion
How to farm legendaries in legion

how to farm legendaries in legion

  • World Tier 14 (Insanity): +405 percent.
  • World Tier 13 (Nightmare): +390 percent.
  • World Tier 10 (Impossible): +345 percent.
  • World Tier 08 (Immortal): +315 percent.
  • Here are the Outriders World Tiers and how they alter the legendary drop rate modifier bonus: You can maximise your chances of finding the best items by choosing a higher World Tier, but it's important to remember that this also adjusts the game's difficulty.

    how to farm legendaries in legion

    While it's possible to farm for legendary weapons and armor in Outriders, the process also relies on you getting lucky.

    how to farm legendaries in legion

    Farming legendary items How to farm legendary weapons and gear in Outriders Here are all the legendary weapons and armor sets spotted in Outriders so far, including details on the mods equipped on each item, and how they buff your character. I'm here to steer you in the right direction as you collect more gear. Thankfully, if you've already bagged yourself some shiny items, these will also carry over to the full game. While it was possible to farm legendary weapons and armor in the demo, adding these precious items to your inventory heavily relies on luck.

    How to farm legendaries in legion