
Elder scroll map of tamriel
Elder scroll map of tamriel

elder scroll map of tamriel

1.4 times bigger than original resource map, almost a 1:1 scale from in game elder scrolls game. (Note I will be updating these with more precision to lore. All of Tamriel has complete biomes / terrain. The excel details progress by country and city, with fast travel coordinates, notes, and contribution credits. *Note: The MCEdit file is actually an excel you can use to teleport to different locations!Ī detailed excel file can be downloaded in place of a Schematic file. If you like this mod, please consider contributing by creating and/or giving me permission to use your Minecraft Elder Scrolls models, schematics, textures, etc. I am also hoping to put together a complimenting texture pack and will link to it once I release it. (See progress to see what's complete today). I will be taking submissions for models (See submitting a contribution) and will be using stock models from Minecraft, submitted models, and voxelized meshes from the original games to recreate cities and landmarks myself as well. Landscape and biomes will match lore as close I can, and cities will be recreated.

elder scroll map of tamriel

Fueled by contributions from builders like you, this project will feature all of Tamriel, Mehrunes Dagon's realm of Oblivion, and Sovngarde. Tamriel in Minecraft aims to bring the entire world of Nirn (from the Elder Scrolls series) into Minecraft.

Elder scroll map of tamriel