
Counter strike source dm
Counter strike source dm

counter strike source dm

This is not your typical run and gun shooter. The first order of business is to learn the basics. Watch how your teammates work and look at all the typical hiding places for both teams. Stick in groups and you will survive longer. Do not Rambo style AKA "lone wolf." This means do not go out by yourself. Try spectating a few matches (or spectate others when you die and watch their tactics). You do not know the tactics or the weapon balances or anything. Hopefully you will outgrow your newbish ways and not become a noob. A "noob" is someone who is not new but still lacks skill, either because they never bothered to learn the game or are too stupid to learn. But you are willing to learn the game, better your skills, and to have fun. The first step to improving your game is to admit that you are a NEWB or NEWBIE. So you're new to Counter Strike Source and you want to improve your gameplay? Great.

Counter strike source dm